The Best Laid Plans …

We’re sorry to tell you that Skedaddle have had to drop out this year – we’ve had a message from Simon which says ..

Hello. Simon from Skedaddle here. I’m afraid we’ll need to pull out of Folk at the Boat. One of our musicians is unavailable and our fiddle player has injured her hand quite badly and has been advised it may take two months before she can play again. We are so sorry for this as we were really looking forward to it. Please accept our sincere apologies. I will be coming down as a punter so will see you on the day.

We’re really going to miss them and we send them all our best wishes. It won’t surprise you to know that they have already been invited back for next year.

Now … in the spirit of this being the 20th anniversary Folk at the Boat, we looked back into the archives to find a replacement.

Oh … that’ll be us, then. This was Triangle on our first appearance, way back in 2005.

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